Sunday, November 29, 2009

wrappin' up 2009

This is the one time during the year I will brag. All year I enjoy the work I do, the tailored capacity building and proposal preparation services Z-A provides, and the satisfaction of our nonprofit and government customers. I am proud of the programs we helped develop, the jobs we helped create, and any other "lasting" outcomes of our work, visible all across our communities in Southwest New Mexico.

Towards the end of the year, however, we tally up the balance of the year.... so we can assign a dollar amount to it all.

Here it is for 2009:

Grant proposals prepared: 17
Grant proposals funded: 8 (47%)
Grant proposals still in review: 2 (equaling $5.3 million)
Total $$ requested: $18,101,165
Total $$ funded: $8,813,489 (49%)

For comparison, total proposals funded in 2008 amounted to $4,072,428; with a funding rate of 87%. In 2009, we roughly doubled the funds coming to our communities through our shop, largely due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

2010 was a good year. Thanks to all the Z-A clients who are already hard at work implementing the awarded programs!

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